Infineon Technologies AG has extended the CoolSiC Schottky 1200-V G5 diode portfolio by releasing a TO247-2 package. It promises higher efficiency than silicon diodes, and the expanded 8.7-mm creepage and clearance distances offer extra safety in high-pollution environments, says the company. Forward currents of up to 40 A are available to address electric vehicle (EV) dc charging, solar energy systems, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and other industrial applications.
Used in combination with silicon IGBT or super-junction MOSFET, the CoolSiC Schottky 1200-V G5 diode raises efficiency up to 1% compared with a silicon diode for example, for a Vienna rectifier stage or PFC boost stage used in three-phase conversion systems. The output power of the PFC and dc-dc stages can thus be increased by 40% or more.
Other than negligible reverse recovery losses—the signature feature of SiC Schottkys—the CoolSiC Schottky 1200-V G5 diode portfolio comes with best-in-class forward voltage (VF) as well as the slightest increase of VF with temperature and highest surge current capability, according to the company. This results in portfolio delivering efficiency and system reliability at an attractive price point. Because of its efficiency, the CoolSiC Schottky 1200-V G5 diode with a 10-A rating can serve as a drop-in replacement for a 30-A silicon diode, says the company.
The CoolSiC Schottky 1200-V G5 diode portfolio in a TO247-2 pin package can be ordered in five current classes: 10 A / 15 A / 20 A / 30 A / 40 A. More information is available at