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Electronic Design Update: November 25, 2008

Dec. 8, 2008
Electronica 2008 Thrives Despite Economic Upheaval
Electronic Design UPDATE e-Newsletter | November 25, 2008 | FREEmagazine subscription digital or print!ADVERTISEMENT Register for the 6th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference in January 2009 in Las Vegas!
Themed “Empowering the Connected Consumer,” IEEE CCNC will include presentations of nearly 300 technical sessions, workshops, and demonstrations exploring the advance of on-demand networking systems used by consumers to access entertainment and information services, anytime, anywhere, regardless of time or locations. Keynote addresses by noted industry experts as Youngky Kim (EVP, New Generation System Technology & Products, Samsung), Jim Battaglia (VP, Strategic Business Development, Panasonic), and Fred Kitson (VP of Applications Research, Motorola). Register and receive a free tutorial!
mark david's roadmap |Electronica 2008 Thrives Despite Economic Upheaval By Mark David, Group Editorial Director
With the infamous naked (painted) booth babes of 2006 Electronica replaced by a foosball table, Electronica 2008 seemed to have had a little less flash (or was that flesh?) and sizzle than some previous shows. Maybe this was a concession to the tough global economic times. But despite the steady stream of news about global recession, the mood at Electronica was one of “business as usual” with a look to the future. The show was a big success. Read the full article... editor's view |Entry-Level Oscilloscopes Serve Mixed-Signal Applications By David Maliniak, EDA/Test Editor
While oscilloscopes remain the instrument of choice for embedded designers, today’s design environment demands that scopes bring more to the table than their traditional function of signal visualization. Read the full article...FPGA Costs Half A Buck By Bill Wong, Embedded/Systems/Software Editor
A couple of things have kept designers away from FPGAs, including size, price, power, and complexity. Actel’s Igloo nano blasts away these issues. Read the full article... design solution |Low-Power Design With Multi-VDD Flows By Sudhakar Jilla, Mentor Graphics Inc.
Nearly all designs at advanced process nodes need some sort of power-saving strategy. As more designs employ advanced low-power techniques, design teams are discovering huge implementation hurdles that affect cost, performance, and time to market. Read the full article... design hotspots | Analog · Industrial's Best Devices Save Space In New Designs | By Joe Desposito, Editor-in-Chief

Power · Energy Harvester Perpetually Powers Wireless Sensors | By Pierre Mars, CAP-XX

Embedded · Robotics Move From Industry To Space To Elder Care | By Doris Kilbane, Contributing Editor

ADVERTISEMENT Download Agilent White Paper: Achieve Cleaner Power Signals by Minimizing Common Sources of Noise
Noise in low-level measurements can come from a number of different sources, including motors, office machines, power demands, and the switching supplies found in office equipment. It is possible to filter this noise at the load, but it is often easier to reduce or eliminate the noise before it reaches the DUT. Learn tips on what features to look for in the power supply, and how to minimize the noise in your test setup.
Read today.
engineer's resource | electronica 2008: The Industry’s Tech Extravaganza If you couldn't make it to all the booths at electronica, or if you couldn't afford the airfare to Munich, we've got it covered. We're shooting video with all the big companies and scooping all the best technology from electronica, so don't miss out! Let us take you there.

Download Agilent White Paper: Achieve Cleaner Power Signals by Minimizing Common Sources of Noise
Noise in low-level measurements can come from a number of different sources, including motors, office machines, power demands, and the switching supplies found in office equipment. Learn tips on what features to look for in the power supply, and how to minimize the noise in your test setup.

Your Ideas For Design Can Win $500
Send us your Ideas for Design and we'll pay you $150 for every Idea for Design that we publish. In addition, the year's top design as selected by our readers will earn an additional $500, with two runners-up each receiving $250. You can submit your Ideas for Design via e-mail to [email protected], or you can mail your material to:
Ideas for Design
Electronic Design
45 Eisenhower Dr., Suite 550
Paramus, NJ 07652
Click here for our guidelines on Ideas for Design.

IFD of the week |Design A Low-Cost 4- To 20-mA Receiver Circuit For Control Loops By Ken Whiteleather, Sparton Electronics
Current-mode control loops (particularly the popular 4- to 20-mA controls) are used in many industrial applications because of their immunity to induced EMI from motors, contactors, relays, and other sources... Read the full article... video of the week | electronica 2008: Delphi's Contribution to Hybrid and Electric Autos

Joe Desposito speaks with Hans-Günter Osthoff, Product Manager of Connection Systems at Delphi, about a variety of components available from Delphi for hybrid and electric vehicles.Watch it now...

lab bench online |Roku Netflix Player By Bill Wong, Embedded/Systems/Software Editor
Technology Editor Bill Wong takes a look at Roku’s Netflix Player. Read the full article... Engineering TV | Sixense TrueMotion 3D Controller In Part 1 of this interview, Engineering TV visited Jeff Bellinghausen, CTO and Chief Architect, at the Sixense studios in Los Gatos, California. Jeff gives us a run-down of the Sixense TrueMotion control system. The TrueMotion 3D controller is an input device based on precise tracking relative to a basestation and is able to react with pinpoint accuracy to movement in six degrees of freedom. Unlike a Wiimote or Sixaxis controller, the TrueMotion controller operates within a weak magnetic field rather than relying upon accelerometer technology. The degree of accuracy falls to the nearest millimeter and is updated once every 10 ms. This results in a fluid, highly accurate input device that could revolutionize PC and console gaming, as well as lead to some fascinating applications in the engineering design, industrial and medical fields.

news from the editors |
Power Grid Presents Great Market Opportunity
The bad news is that today’s power grid is wasteful, costly, inefficient, and dumb, according to Lux Research. But, according to Lux’s research found in “Alternative Power and Energy Storage State of the Market Q4 2008: Weaving the $65 Billion Power Web,” the good news is that the advent of distributed generation, distributed storage, and distributed intelligence will change power infrastructure into an intelligent and more nimble power web Read the full article...
Technology May Give Consumers The Upper Hand In Health Care
Personal health care could change radically as two disruptive technology forces come together, according to Laird Technologies Wireless Systems’ white paper, titled “Trust me, I’m not a doctor—The changing nature of health care.” Read the full article... quick poll | What gadget do you hope to get this holiday season?
  • A smart phone (iPhone, G1, etc.)
  • A flatscreen TV
  • A GPS system
  • A game console (X-box, Wii, etc.)
  • A laptop or notebook
  • Other
  • None of the above
Click here to take the poll. Remember to scroll down. The poll is at the bottom of the page.

ADVERTISEMENT Get Smart! Get Wireless! with Infineon’s SmartLEWIS™ RX TDA5230 Design Contest
Co-sponsored by Penton Media and LS Research, Get Smart! Get Wireless! lets you showcase your innovative thinking - just design a wireless application using Infineon’s TDA5230 and win $2,000, $3,000 or $6,000 in cash prizes! To help get you started, we are offering a free design kit (est. $100 retail value) to qualified registrants. Entries are due by April 15, 2009 and will be judged on innovation, use of the TDA5230’s feature-set, cost effectiveness, and consumer benefit.
Register today to Get Smart! Get Wireless! with Infineon Technologies!
focus product |
Sigma-Delta ADCs Optimize Bandwidth And Resolution
Touting the industry’s best combination of operating frequency, dynamic range, and signal-to-noise ratio, the 16-bit AD9261 and AD9262 analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), and the AD9267 Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta (CTSD) modulator couple low noise and high dynamic range with a bandwidth up to 10 MHz. Read the full article... product picks online | Fluorescent Ballasts Slash Component Counts Development Platform Unleashes GPU Power Power-Supply Reference Design Abets IBC Designs MSOs/DPOs Deliver Top Performance At Entry-Level Prices HDMI Choke Sports 0.9-mm Profile

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