Grenoble, France. SEMI has announced that executives from leading MEMS companies Bosch, STMicroelectronics, InvenSense, and TSMC will deliver keynote talks at the European MEMS Summit September 17-18 in Milan, Italy.
The theme of the SEMI European MEMS Summit is “Sensing the Planet, MEMS for Life.” MEMS thought leaders will present keynotes, sharing their visions of challenges facing the MEMS industry and formulas for success:
- “MEMS Sensors: Enabler for the IoT”—Stefan Finkbeiner, CEO, Bosch Sensortec;
- “Smart Systems for IoT”—Benedetto Vigna, executive VP and GM, STMicroelectronics;
- “Internet of Sensors”—Behrooz Abdi, CEO and president, InvenSense; and
- “Building Smart Sensors for a Connected World”—Maria Marced, president, TSMC Europe.
The SEMI European MEMS Summit will bring together a diverse group of MEMS business and technology experts, including representatives of ARM, ASE Group, CEA-Leti, Freescale, IHS, Infineon, Sensirion, SITRI, Tronics Microsystems, X-FAB, and Yole Développement. Speakers will provide their outlooks on the MEMS market, their expectations for future marketplace trends and their assessment of the changes in business models, the supply chain, and the ecosystem.
The Summit will have a strong emphasis on the applications side of MEMS technology to give attendees a more global vision of how MEMS are being used in automotive, consumer, and wearable electronics segments as well as the importance of MEMS and sensors in the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT). In addition to the strong focus on business-related aspects, technical topics such as new detection principles, innovation in materials, new packaging solutions, and MEMS on 300-mm wafers will be addressed.
“We are very excited to offer attendees leading MEMS thought leaders for this inaugural European MEMS Summit,” stated Yann Guillou, business development manager at SEMI. “With the support of industry leaders, we will address the most crucial industry issues, helping to collectively shape the MEMS industry’s progress.”
SEMI will also organize a MEMS Exhibition, giving companies with MEMS activities an opportunity to connect directly to other participants. The European MEMS Summit will include key networking opportunities—including a gala dinner and a networking cocktail hour.