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Introduction to TI Security Solutions

The internet of Things is a technology that enables to collect data from many applications to them available in the cloud to provide analytics and services to the users. In this increasingly complex and connected world, new threats are emerging to steal or compromise information from the IoT enabled applications and security is an increasing concern across industrial, medical, automotive and personal electronics applications.
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Event Type

  • On-Demand Webinar


Webcast Presenter:

Olivier Monnier
Olivier Monnier is the director of marketing for TI’s wireless connectivity and IoT solutions since May 2014. Prior to this role, he spent 14 years in various positions at TI including worldwide smart grid marketing and business manager starting as an applications engineer for digital signal processors and microcontrollers. He graduated in energy conversion and power electronics at the Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Electricite et de Mecanique (ENSEM, Nancy). He has more than 15 years of experience in industrial and energy related applications.


The internet of Things is a technology that enables to collect data from many applications to them available in the cloud to provide analytics and services to the users. In this increasingly complex and connected world, new threats are emerging to steal or compromise information from the IoT enabled applications and security is an increasing concern across industrial, medical, automotive and personal electronics applications. Developers are trying to protect their investment, their application, what Texas Instruments (TI) defines as the “assets” ranging from data, code, identities and keys. This webinar will introduce the TI security tool box provided to developers to implement their security measures. Presentation will introduce the TI security framework and the various industry’s recognized security enablers that TI provides. Ranging from hardware feature to software solution, webinar will also feature the leading edge micro-controllers and micro-processors supporting security features, giving some concrete examples on application example benefiting from the security enabler. Getting started on security can be challenging and the webinar will also summarize the various TI resources available today on security.

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