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Test & Measurement Reference Guide

June 20, 2022
When faced with your most challenging requirements, you’ll need a broad range of high performance, class-leading T&M instruments and solutions.

Get the new T&M reference guide featuring a broad range of instruments and latest test solutions to meet your everyday needs and your most challenging requirements. Learn more about what’s possible when faced with tomorrow’s challenges today and prepare for what’s next!

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Application Note: Motor Control Solutions for your Electric Toothbrush

The global population increasingly prioritizes oral health and hygiene, driving the utilization of toothbrushes across the world. The most popular and effective type of electric...

Power Topologies Handbook

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A Long-Range Solution for Triggering Analyzers with Arduino Microcontrollers

Remote measurements using VNAs are becoming an increasingly popular method due to the increased portability of USB vector network analyzers. For applications such as far-field...

Next Generation RADAR

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