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Optimize Your RF Board Design Flow

May 16, 2024
RF and EM co-simulation tools for RF board design accelerate time to market in the competitive aerospace and commercial wireless industries.

Are you spending excessive time stitching together the results of multiple RF simulation tools and circuit design tools from traditional siloed RF circuit design environments? Our eBook, Optimize Your RF Board Design Flow, shows how to use modern RF and EM co-simulation platforms for the design of high-frequency boards to accelerate time to market for products enabling 5G/6G transmission and other wireless capabilities.

In it, you'll discover:  
•    Co-Simulation Explained: Learn how modern tools seamlessly integrate circuit and EM co-simulation to enable a successful one-pass design flow for RF board design.
•    Customization Options: Learn how extended APIs enable deep access to design functions within the design platform and explore how to use Python to create new deployment models to invoke simulation functions from outside the platform.  
•    Data-Management Capabilities: Explore how data-management tools implement version control, support design reuse, optimize network disk usage, and enhance collaboration.

Download this Optimize Your RF Board Design Flow eBook today and unlock the knowledge you need to use modern RF design automation tools to accelerate time to market in the competitive aerospace and commercial wireless industries.

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