Thermoelectric coolers (TECs) based on the Peltier effect can be used for general cooling, but more often they’re applied to maintain a precise temperature for subsystems and components. And unlike fans, they can heat as well as cool (the TEC designation is somewhat misleading, as many of these TECs can also provide some heating). Such thermal management that goes beyond just simplistic device cooling is critical where performance is sensitive to temperature shifts. Thus, it requires a high degree of stabilization, more so than absolute accuracy.
For example, the output characteristics (wavelength, power) of laser diodes are closely tied to their temperature. Shifts away from the target operating point can dramatically impact system performance. A closed-loop temperature-control stabilization scheme based on a co-located temperature sensor and a Peltier module for cooling (and heating) is therefore often used to provide the required temperature-control function.
To implement this control loop, Analog Devices announced the LTM4663, a complete 1.5-A sink/source thermoelectric cooler (TEC) regulator in a 3.5- × 4- × 1.3-mm LGA package (Fig. 1). This highly integrated µModule includes a TEC controller, linear power stage, switching regulator, inductor, and nearly all support components; only external input and output capacitors are needed. The module supports independently programmable heating- and cooling-current limits for asymmetric thermal control, and the TEC voltage and current can be monitored in real-time.