22.5-mm Contactor Offers Four Motor Starter Functions

Dec. 17, 2008
22.5-mm Phoenix Contact Contactron Contactor Offers Four Motor Starter Functions

The Contactron solid-state reversing contactor from Phoenix Contact combines four functions in a module that’s just 22.5 mm wide (see the figure). Designed for three-phase ac motors up to 4 kW/5 HP in size, the contactor provides forward, reverse, overload protection, and redundant emergency stop contactor functionality.

The compact size reduces necessary DIN rail space by up to 75%, saving space and wiring costs compared to a contactor-based solution. The Contactron’s life expectancy is up to 10 times longer than traditional electromechanical contactors, according to Phoenix contact, resulting in reduced maintenance costs.

Integrated I/O surge protection circuits reduce system downtime, while 16 separate motor overhead settings reduce inventory requirements. LED and remote indication acknowledge motor status. The Contactron is rated for safety category 3, SIL 3, and ATEX zone 2 as well.

Phoenix Contact


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