The 12-bit ADC12C170 a/d converter with parallel CMOS outputs and 12-bit ADC12V170 with dual-data rate, parallel LVDS outputs specify a SFDR of 84.1 dB at a 250-MHz input, a figure said to be the highest to date. The 170-Msample/s devices provide a bandwidth of 1.1 GHz, positioning them for demanding WiMAX and 3G applications. Also emerging is the 14-bit, 155-Msample/s ADC14V155. Also specifying a 1.1-GHz bandwidth, the device specifies a SFDR of 85 dB and SNR of 69.5 dB at an input frequency of 238 MHz. The ADC12C170 and ADC12V170 employ a differential, pipelined architecture and operate in single-ended or differential clock modes. At an input frequency of 70 MHz, the ADC12C170 provides an 85.4-dB SFDR and 67.2-dB SNR while the ADC12V170 provides an 85.8-dB SFDR and 67.2-dB SNR. The ADC12C170 operates from a 3.3V supply and typically consumes 715 mW while the ADC12V170 typically consumes 781 mW. Operating from a 3.3V supply and typically consuming 951 mW, the ADC14V155 employs a differential, pipelined architecture and operates in single-ended or differential clock mode. Prices for the ADC12C170, ADC12V170, and ADC14V155 are $39.20, $39.20, and $67.10 each/1,000, respectively. NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORP., Santa Clara, CA. (800) 272-9959.
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