Featuring two successive-approximation (SAR) a/d converters, programmable gain amplifier (PGA), and four comparators, the AD7264 interfaces with multiple sensors to replace as many as three data-acquisition boards in motor-control applications. Designed for industrial applications, the converter's two SAR ADCs each provide throughput rates up to 1 Msamples/s. The PGA accepts a true differential analog input and supports 13 programmable-gain settings from 1 to 128. Additionally, two comparators are optimized for low power, and the other two for short propagation delays. Operating with a 5V power supply, the AD7264 consumes 24 mA. Sampling now with production set for January 2008, price is $9.06 each/1,000. ANALOG DEVICES, INC., Wilmington, MA. (800) 262-5643.
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