Chipset Trims The Fat In LED Lamp Designs

Oct. 8, 2008
The MR16, a dedicated chipset and reference design for MR16-compatible LED lamps, promises to significantly decrease PCB size and weight in lamp necks, lower manufacturing costs, and reduce the component count in existing designs by up to 50%. Highly

The MR16, a dedicated chipset and reference design for MR16-compatible LED lamps, promises to significantly decrease PCB size and weight in lamp necks, lower manufacturing costs, and reduce the component count in existing designs by up to 50%. Highly integrated, the chipset handles all power rectification, LED current control, and protection functions. Reportedly, it also enhances lighting class LED’s reduced total cost of ownership over halogen reflector lamps, the common format in directional lighting applications. Price for the MR16 chipset is $0.90 each/1,000. ZETEX INC., Hauppauge, NY. (631) 360-2222.

Company: ZETEX INC.

Product URL: Click here for more information

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