The MAX5661, a 16-bit industrial DAC, integrates two high-voltage output circuits, a voltage-output amplifier, current-output amplifier, and pass transistors on the same silicon. The dual-range voltage-output amplifier provides a voltage proportional to the DAC value as either a 0 to 10V or -10V to +10V output. The current-output amplifier, also dual-range, sources a current that is proportional to the DAC value and can source either 0 mA to 20 mA or 4 mA to 20 mA of current. Both the voltage and current outputs have 25% over-range capability. Available in a 64-pin, 10 mm x 10 mm TQFP, price for the MAX5661 starts at $5.50 each/1,000. MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODUCTS, Sunnyvale, CA. (800) 998-8800.
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