With a fast, 300-MHz bandwidth, 400V/µs slew rate and 30 ns settling time, the THS4001 30V, high-speed op amp is well-suited for video applications such as graphics scanners, set-top boxes for cable television, medical imaging devices, and signal processing systems such as radar and sonar equipment. The device can be used with a wide range of supply voltages and is fully characterized at ±15V, ±5V and 5V supplies. It is said to minimize harmonic distortion, while the settling time of less than 30 ns minimizes bounce in output signal. The device is fabricated using firm's high-voltage complementary bipolar (HVBiCom) process, which produces devices that have full dielectric isolation rather than the simple junction isolation of other bipolar processes. The THS4001 comes in an 8-pin SOIC package.
Company: TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC. - Semiconductor Group, Literature Response Center
Product URL: Click here for more information