Introduced as the industry’s first 14-bit, ±10V D/A converter with a serial interface, the AD5531 is quite at home in industrial control and instrumentation applications. The device has an accuracy of ±2 LSB-INL and is pin- and software-compatible with the 12-bit AD5530. Its three-wire serial interface is compatible with SPI, QSPI, Microwire, and DSP interface standards. Other features include power down, data read-back and daisy chaining of parts over a single interface, an operating current of less than 2 mA, and a power-down mode current of less than 50 µA. On-chip reference buffers allow the use of a single positive reference voltage. Available in a 16-lead TSSOP, price is $6.95 each/1,000. ANALOG DEVICES INC., Wilmington, MA. (800) 262-5643.
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