Specifying the industry's lowest, per-channel power level, the ADS527x family of eight-channel, 10- and 12-bit a/d converters with serial LVDS outputs consume123 mW per channel at 65 Msamples/s and 138 mW at 70 Msamples/s. Operating from a 3.3V supply, they are available with sampling rates of 40, 50, 65, and 70 Msamples/s. The 12-bit devices feature a SNR of 70.5 dB at 70 Msamples/s, while the 10-bit converters exhibit a 60.5 dB SNR with a 10-MHz input. All members of the family are both pin and serial-LVDS compatible and can be used with Xilinx and Altera programmable devices. Xilinx deserializer source code is available as a free license from the company when used with these converters. Prices range from $32 (10-bit ADS5275) to $121 (12-bit ADS5273) each/1,000. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC., Dallas, TX. (800) 477-8924.
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