A low input-current logic gate optocoupler, the FOD2200 is specified for an isolation voltage of 5 kVRMS over a wide supply voltage range. High common-mode rejection (CMR) of 1 kV/µs and hysteresis output allow optimum performance in high-speed industrial applications in noisy environments. Input current is 1.6 mA minimum and operating voltage range is 4.5 V to 20 V. The device is compatible with TTL, LSTTL and CMOS logic. Its three-state output reduces the need for additional components by eliminating pull-up resistors. Maximum propagation delay is 300 ns. Packaged in an 8-pin DIP, it is available in three leadform options for through-hole or surface mount. The operating temperature range is 0°C to 85°C. Price is $1.60 each/1,000. FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR, Melbourne, FL. (321) 956-5674.
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