Setting a benchmark for performance, the LM4562 audio op amp specifies a THD+N figure of 0.00003%. The device combines a 6-MHz, unity-gain bandwidth operational amplifier with a proprietary stereo-audio power amplifier. Specs include an input noise density of 2.7 nV/√Hz at 217 Hz, 1/f noise corner of 60 Hz, and a 600Ω output drive. Compensating for noise under high loads, the device has a slew rate of 20 V/µs and a 56-MHz gain bandwidth. Unity-gain stable over a supply range of ±2.5V to ±17V, it delivers output currents up to 45 mA. Over this supply range, input circuitry maintains common-mode and power-supply rejection rates in excess of 108 dB and a typical input bias current of 10 nA. In 8-lead SOICs and DIPs, prices are $2.35 and $2.65 each/1,000, respectively. The LM4562 is also available in metal-can packages, priced at $9.95 each/100. NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORP., Santa Clara, CA. (800) 272-9959.
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