Reporting improved turn-off characteristics for high-current, high- frequency switch-mode power supply (SMPS) circuits, the WARP2 NPT IGBTs are co-packaged with HEXFRED diodes, said to perform better than diodes found in power MOSFETs. The devices are available in TO-247 and TO-220 packages and operate at frequencies up to 150 kHz. A proprietary thin-wafer technology is said to be responsible for short minority carrier depletion times that lead to fast turn-off times. The TO-247 devices, the IRGP50B60PD, IRGP50B60PD1, IRGP35B60PD, and IRGP20B60PD each have a VCES of 600V and collector currents of 50A, 50A, 35A, and 20A, respectively, at 25°C. Current ratings for their co-packaged diodes are 25A, 15A, 15A, and 8A, respectively. Depending on the device, typical VCE (on) is 2V at 33A or 1.85V at 22A. Also with a VCES of 600V, the TO-220 IRGB20B60PD1 has an IC of 20A at 25°C, VCE (on) of 2.05V at 13A, and its integrated diode is rated at 4A. Pricing starts at $1.03 each/10,000 for the IRGB20B60PD1. For more information, contact Joe Engle at INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER CORP., El Segundo, CA. (310) 252-7019
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