The LSK170 junction FETs fit sensitive amplification applications. Also, they can be used as pin-for-pin replacements for Toshiba's 2SK170 and as improved functional replacements for InterFET's IF1320, IF1330, IF1331, and IF4500. They offer typical datasheet values of 22-ms forward transfer admittance and 1-nV/Hz at 1 kHz and 2-nV/Hz at 10-Hz voltage noise, with only 22 pF of input capacitance. The LSK170 comes binned in 2.6- to 60-mA, 6.0- to 12-mA, and 10- to 20-mA IDSS ranges. Those narrow IDSS ranges simplify design tolerancing, particularly in low-voltage applications. The JFETs are available in through-hole TO-92 packages and, unlike the 2SK170, in a surface-mount SOT-23. Thousand-unit pricing is $0.50 each.
Linear Integrated