Brandishing a rail-to-rail input stage and an adjustable output common mode range, the LTC6406 ADC operates from a single 3V supply and delivers differential outputs swinging from near ground to 2V. It specifies a gain-bandwidth product of 3 GHz, unity-gain -3-dB bandwidth of 800 MHz, -90-dBc distortion performance for input frequencies from dc to 20 MHz, and a -70d-Bc distortion from dc to 50 MHz. Noise figure is 1.6 nV/√Hz. Operating voltages range from 2.7V to 3.5V and current consumption is 18 mA. Available in 16-lead, 3 mm x 3 mm QFN package with commercial and industrial temperature ranges, pricing starts at $3.44 each/1,000. LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORP., Milpitas, CA. (800) 454-6327.
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