In addition to its low forward voltage drop ratings, this series of Schottky barrier diodes give designers a choice of three reverse breakdown voltage options and four standard package types in a dozen new devices. With maximum low forward voltage drop values ranging from 0.9V to 1V at a 15 mA forward current, the diodes are optimized for circuits where low power consumption and a low voltage drop are required. Typical applications include steering, biasing and coupling in dc/dc converters, low-current power supplies, protection circuits, or any other fast-switching, low-logic-level applications. Offered in the DO-35 (SD101x), MiniMELF (LL101x), QuadroMELF (LS101x), and MicroMELF (MCL101x) packages, the diodes are available with minimum reverse breakdown voltages of 40V, 50V or 60V. The devices provide an ultra-low leakage current of 200 nA and feature a low diode capacitance value ranging from 2.0 pF to 2.2 pF at 1 MHz. An integrated protection ring guards against static discharge. Pricing for the series starts at $3.05 each/100.
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