CMOS technology has dominated the IC business for the last 25 years and will continue to do so for another 25 years, according to the author of CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation. He explains that CMOS dominates because it is reliable, manufacturable, low power, low cost, and scalable. This book provides a comprehensive guide to designing CMOS ICs.
There are over 1000 pages that cover the practical design of both analog and digital ICs. This edition takes a two-pronged approach to the topics by discussing design techniques for both long- and short-channel technologies and then comparing the two. Among the many topics discussed are phase- and delay-locked loops, mixed-signal circuits, data converters, and circuit noise.
The book is appropriate for students, researchers, and working engineers. There are 200 examples and more than 500 end-of-chapter problems. An associated web site provides Spice simulation netlists for the circuit examples. Readers can also download CAD software and a Spice simulator so they can modify, experiment with, and test the given circuits. By using the software, the book becomes a truly interactive learning experience.