IC and custom-ASIC manufacturer iC-Haus GmbH has switched to Synopsys' HSIM-XA solution to simulate their zero-defect mixed-signal chips. The German company made the switch after evaluating HSIM-XA's ability to reduce simulation time from six hours to just minutes, according to a release from Synopsys. XA acceleration technology lets designers achieve HSPICE accuracy while delivering higher performance than existing FastSPICE simulators. XA's compiled code simulation algorithms offer faster transient analysis while its topology and behavior-driven recognition algorithms optimize simulation capacity. An adaptive multi-rate evaluation engine delivers HSPICE accuracy with higher throughput. Heiner Flocke, CEO of iC-Haus, said the company's need to adhere to the ISO 9001-certified 3-Zero Program (zero defects from production test, zero defects in product lifetimes, and zero redesigns) makes accurate simulation imperative. "To meet these high standards, the entire microsystem must be verified at the transistor level with parasitic effects, which we were unable to achieve with our previous solutions," Flocke said in a statement. "\[Accuracy and\] significant enhancements to performance ... were the key decision factors for us to convert to Synopsys' HSIM-XA."