The high-performance HBFP-0405 and HBFP-0420 are isolated-collector, silicon bipolar junction transistors that are said to offer gain, noise figure and linearity comparable with Siemens BFP Series transistors, as well as identical package, footprint and pin configurations. The SOT-343-packaged parts can be applied as amplifiers in wireless systems and other applications in related frequency bands from 900 MHz to 2.5 GHz and as oscillators through 9 GHz or 12 GHz.At 1.8 GHz, the HBFP-0405, which is optimized for 2-mA operation with 2V bias, has a minimum noise figure of 1.2 dB and associated gain of 18 dB. With bias of 5 mA at 2V, the HBFP-0420 offers a 1.1-dB noise figure with gain of 17 dB at 1.8 GHz.