Poised for communications and video applications, the LMH6723 single, LMH6724 dual, and LMH6725 quad current feedback amplifiers rely on the company's VIP10 process technology for high-speed operation with low power consumption. The devices operate at speeds up to 370 MHz with a power consumption of 1 mA and an output current of ±110 mA. Other features include a 100 MHz, 0.1 dB gain flatness, low differential phase and gain, and a 100 mA linear output current. Operating voltage ranges from 4.5V to 12V. Available in a variety of packages, prices for the LMH6723, LMH6724, and LMH6725 are $1.25, $1.75, and $2.50 each/1,000, respectively. NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR, Santa Clara, CA. (800) 272-9959.
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