The CMOS LX1701 class-D audio amplifier can drive up to 3W of mono output into 2Ω speakers or 2W output into 4Ω speakers while providing full 20 Hz to 20 kHz high-fidelity audio. Total harmonic distortion (THD) is less than 1%. For many applications, only one additional component will be needed, but no output filters or ac coupling capacitors are required. Quiescent current draw is 2 mA resulting from an output modulation design that enables operation without filters. The amplifier operates over a supply voltage range of 1.8V to 6.0V, covering most power supply or battery voltages. Low EMI performance allows it to reside on circuit boards close to interference-sensitive circuits such as audio and video receivers. Applications are in LCD TVs, desktop monitors, cell phones, PDAs and other portable electronics. The device is housed in a surface-mount 16-pin lead-free MLPQ package measuring 4 mm square and 1 mm high. Price is $0.88 each/10,000. MICROSEMI CORP., Irvine, CA. (949) 221-7101.
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