Designed to emulate the spectral response of the human eye, the LX1972 ambient light sensor is used for controlling backlighting displays in portable consumer products such as digital still cameras, notebook computers, desktop monitors and LCD TVs. It is designed to ignore both ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths that confuse conventional light sensors. The sensor requires no optical filters and its output current can be used directly or converted to a voltage by placing it in series with a single resistor at either of its two pins. The photo sensor is a PIN diode array having a linear, repeatable current transfer function. High-gain current mirrors multiply the photo current that can then be voltage scaled with a standard value external resistor. Internal temperature compensation allows high accuracy at low light levels over the range of -40°C to +85°C. The device is packaged in a 2-pin 1206 standard carrier measuring 3.26 mm long x 1.6 mm wide x 1.0 mm high. Price is $0.60 each/10,000. MICROSEMI CORP., Irvine, CA. (949) 221-7101.
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