A new generation of high-voltage gallium arsenide power amplifier transistors is designed to substantially boost the efficiency of 3G cellular base stations, reducing energy costs while allowing smaller, less expensive, and more energy-efficient cooling systems. The first of the TGH293x series of hetero-junction bipolar transistors (HBTs) delivered a 57% efficiency when tested in a Doherty configuration, a design commonly used by manufacturers of base station amplifiers. That was better than efficiencies exhibited by either conventional laterally diffused metal oxide semiconductor (LDMOS) transistors or more expensive gallium nitride devices. For a 50W average-power WCDMA amplifier, the new HBTs generate about 38W of waste heat. That compares with about 70W of waste heat created by LDMOS transistor-based amplifiers in current 3G systems. For more information and pricing, contact TRIQUINT SEMICONDUCTOR, Hillsboro, OR. (503) 615-9000.
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