The first member of a family of high-performance bipolar power transistors, the 3STR1630 NPN transistor employs a unique low-voltage planar technology that uses a double-metal process. This process allows cell density to be almost doubled without requiring the use of sophisticated photolithography equipment and increases current capability by about 50% for the same die size Also, the double-metal process enables transistors with Vceo ratings up to 100V, switching frequencies to 300 kHz, and a 40% reduction in Vce(sat). The 3STR1630, has a minimum BVCEO of 30V, handles a continuous current as high as 6A, and resides in a SOT-23 package. Pricing for the 3STR1630 is $0.24 each/1,000. STMICROELECTRONICS, Lexington, MA. (888) 787-3550.