August 2, 2006
- News Focus: Magnetism May Yield Smaller, Faster Computers
News From The Editors:
- Dual-Core Chips Boost Performance, Save Power
- UWB Radio Demonstrates Broadcast-Quality Video Delivery
- SiP Packs High-Res Image Processing Into Tight Spaces
- TechView Scope: Let Your Fingers Do The Computing
- Upcoming Industry Events:
- NIWeek 06
- LinuxWorld Conference & Expo
- Digital Power Forum '06
- Dual-Core Chips Boost Performance, Save Power
Magnetism may be the key to faster, smaller computers. Researchers at the University of Leeds are working on new materials that would allow computer memory and other components to use magnetism rather than conventional electrical charges. As a result, the computer could work as soon as it was turned on because it wouldn’t need power to reload its memory and get it working...
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Archived Webcast: RoHS—What About China?
Do you sell products in China or import into China? If so, this webcast is for you. China has taken a somewhat different approach to the European Union's RoHS directive in a number of critical areas, which will very likely have a major impact on you and your business—whether you're a manufacturer, distributor, importer, or retailer. View today!
UWB Radio Demonstrates Broadcast-Quality Video Delivery
The long awaited wireless delivery of video in the home is nearly here. With many potential suitors in the Ultra-Wideband (UWB) community as well as the 802.11n crowd, we should see some real wireless video consumer products by Christmas. Which technology will win the wireless video delivery wars? Tzero Technologies is betting that its latest UWB chip set will capture a big chunk of that market...
SiP Packs High-Res Image Processing Into Tight Spaces
A new system-in-package (SiP) technology is capable of stacking logic and Gbit-class memory in a single package to enable high-speed, high-definition image processing in mobile devices. The technology, developed by NEC Corp. and its U.S subsidiary NEC Electronics, is called SMAFTI (SMArt connection with Feed-Through Interposer). It features a 3D chip connection with an approximately 60-µm gap and 50-µm-pitch microbump between the logic and memory devices, which can support transmissions up to 100 Gbits/s...
techview scopeLet Your Fingers Do The Computing Imagine a small device that slips onto the tip of your index finger and replaces your joysticks, mouse, and even your keyboard. It soon will be possible thanks to a breakthrough at the University of Buffalo’s Virtual Reality Lab, where Young-Seok Kim and Thenkurussi Kesavadas have developed the Fingertip Digitizer...
Grab some photos showing the "guts and glory" of you (and your team) at work. We need them for our "Day in the Life of an Electronic Designer" photo essay, which will appear in Electronic Design's Oct. 20 special issue. There's a $500 Grand Prize for best photo series and $250 prize for best photo, and we pay $50 if we use any of your photos in the issue. Please include the names and titles of all photo subjects, as well as company name and the type of work-in-process illustrated by the photo. Digital photos should be in .tif or .jpg formats and must have resolution of at least 300 dpi. Deadline for submission is Sept. 15. E-mail digital photos to Managing Editor Richard Gawel at: [email protected].
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Editor: Mark David
Advertising/Sponsorship Opportunities: Bill Baumann
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