Pairing Steeplechase VLC 7.2 software and the ILC 150 VLC controller enables the company to offer a complete scalable control solution for EtherNet/IP applications. Described as a compact, low-cost embedded control platform for small- to medium-sized applications, the ILC 150 VLC controller provides an Ethernet port for simple networking and data exchange to a supervisory system using the EtherNet/IP protocol. All the VLC control platforms now provide integrated Ethernet/IP capability for either scanning I/O or for serving up application status information to a supervisory system. Steeplechase VLC 7.2, a flowchart-based programming tool, also supports other controllers such as the ILC 350 VLC and S-MAX VLC as well as a traditional PC-based runtime control platforms. PHOENIX CONTACT INC., Harrisburg, PA. (800) 322-3225.
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