DACBIST Designer, a software toolkit that allows users to quickly implement a built-in self-test (BIST) methodology for the testing of D/A converters, is reported as being able to reduce test development time for D/A BIST from weeks to hours.
The tool allows simple entry of D/A converter parameters from a data sheet with analysis parameters set by selecting from options, including stuck bits, shorts and nonlinearity. The application then generates "what if" analysis of various D/A BIST circuitry parameters to help the user select the appropriate BIST configuration, including the number of samples and results register size. Next, it generates test codes as the final task in creating the custom D/A BIST implementation.
The toolkit provides support for both full and distributed BIST implementations and includes complete documentation along with data entry and simulation control software for development, control, communications, and data analysis. A LabView-based tool kit that runs in both batch and interactive modes under Windows 95/98/2000/NT is available. Price is $35,000.
Product URL: Click here for more information