The company’s updated development kit supports the latest release of the NFX family of managed-memory tokens and includes an improved sample application with source code that illustrates how to use each of the commands included in the DLL. Also new is a command line utility that allows for simplified testing and configuration of the tokens' unique OEM and security features. Tokens offer capacities from 128 MB to 1 GB and feature solid over-molded construction and IP-rated receptacle options. For long-term availability, they include an internal file management system that allows embedded developers to access the memory using high-level commands. Typical applications for the tokens include data logging, firmware updates, parameter uploads/cloning, and data transport. The NFX Development Kit includes two NFX tokens, two mating receptacles (panel and PCB mount), software CD, user manuals, and an NFX memory interface box with USB cable. DATAKEY ELECTRONICS INC., Savage, MN. (800) 328-8828.
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