The PSI-GPRS/GSM-MODEM/RS232-QB-USA serial modem provides global access to machines and systems via GSM connections and an integrated TCP/IP stack allows the implementation of simple control systems into the GPRS network. The modem provides the necessary PTCRB and AT&T approvals for legal use to GSM and GPRS networks within the US and Canada. When active, the modem will work anywhere in North America where AT&T or Rogers Wireless cellular networks provide service coverage. A pre-installed SIM card makes activation quick and the modem’s quad band technology allows worldwide use. It features two digital alarm inputs via a COMBICON connector and one digital output via a T-bus connector. Additionally, the modem operates over an extended temperature range from -25?C to +60?C. PHOENIX CONTACT INC., Middletown, PA. (800) 888-7388.
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