ProSyst OSGi mBS SDK
ProSyst demonstrated their ProSyst mBS OSGi R.4.2 certfied implementation on an unnamed 156 MHz ARM9 microcontroller (see The World’s smallest OSGi Solution). The platform had 16 Mbytes of SRAM and only 32 Mbytes of flash memory. The micro and chipset used only 450mW when active 25 mW in sleep mode.
The system runs on an RTOS and IBM's J9 virtual machine. It contains a complete implementation of OSGi Alliance's OSGi framework. The run time utilizes 1.14 Mybtes of RAM while the OSGi framework required 765 Kbytes of flash memory. Start up time for the system was only 4.3 seconds. Once loaded, the framework goes into idle allowing the application to take advantage of the processor until it needs to utilize OSGi services.
The ProSyst mBS OSGi includes the following services:
- Software Admin – for download and installation of software packages
- Network Manager – for reading and changing LAN and WAN network settings
- Firewall Manager - for changing the firewall settings
- Object Database Mapper – for providing interfaces to object and relational data bases
- Serial Bundle – provides OSGi API for accessing the serial port
- USB Bundle – provideds OSGi API for USB
- SL/TLS support for the OSGi Runtime
- Web Services Bundle – allows to export OSGi bundels as web services and to access web services through OSGi services
- Management Components – support for remote device management (e.g. OMA DM, TR-69) and content downloading
Developers can take advantage of ProSyst's mBS SDK The SDK (Fig. 1) consists of 3 parts:
- Eclipse Plugins for the development of OSGi apps and services
- OSGi Runtime
- OSGi Test & Validation Environment
OSGi is used as the basis of the Everyware Software Framework (ESF) from Eurotech.