The UXN14M32K SuperDivider is a 15-GHz divide-by-1 to 232 to 1 32-bit programmable integer divider. This highly programmable part covers all major integer divide ratios between 1 and 4,294,967,245 (232 to 1). It produces large output voltage swings from 0.8 V pk-pk/side and low SSB phase noise. Its versatility allows it to be used in a variety of high-frequency applications. It features single-ended or differential inputs and outputs and 3-wire serial control inputs that are CMOS and LVTTL compatible for ease of system integration. It is packaged in a 24-pin 4-mm-by-4-mm surface-mount ceramic and hermetically sealed package and meets MSL-1 requirements and is JEDEC MO-220 compliant. It is also lead-free and meets mandated European RoHS requirements. A Windows PC user interface is available with evaluation (UXN14M32KE) which makes it convenient to adjust the output amplitude and the divide ratio. A USB interface supplies power.