Microsoft Hohm is a free Web-based beta application that helps save energy and money.
Just what the world needs: Another online energy calculator. Microsoft's new beta site called Hohm claims it can help you better understand your home energy usage, get recommendations to conserve energy and start saving. Hohm uses advanced analytics licensed from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the Dept. of Energy to give highly personalized energy saving recommendations. These recommendations are tailored based on specific household circumstances including home attributes and use of appliances and systems.
The site also makes it possible to compare your energy usage that of with others in your area. Microsoft says Hohm helps utilities to better serve their customers by providing clear insight into their energy consumption, allowing them to make more informed decisions to save energy and money.
To use Hohm, users enter information about their home (e.g., occupants, appliances and systems) and receive an energy report with personalized recommendations. The more questions answered, the more accurate and relevant the recommendations. As a default, Hohm will base its recommendations on local and national averages.
Microsoft Hohm is an online Microsoft application and it is free. It can be accessed from the Hohm Web site,