Nobel 5da8b9aacb06a

Charging up the development of lithium-ion batteries

Oct. 21, 2019

WASHINGTON, DC—The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Science has offered its congratulations to the new Nobel laureates M. Stanley Whittingham, John Goodenough, and Akira Yoshino. On Oct. 9, the Nobel committee recognized their work in developing lithium-ion batteries. From transportation to grid resiliency, lithium-ion batteries are essential to a sustainable future. The Office of Science said it is proud to have supported research by Whittingham and Goodenough, noting that it has also funded research by many scientists who have built upon their innovations.

Shannon Brescher Shea, senior writer/editor in the Office of Science’s Office of Communication and Public Affairs, notes that after Whittingham developed his battery at Exxon, Goodenough improved upon it at the University of Oxford. She adds that Goodenough and Whittingham have both provided guidance to the Office of Science itself, having played major roles in writing the 2007 Basic Research Needs for Electrical Energy Storage report. Those recommendations have guided the Office of Science’s battery research for many years. Whittingham also participated in developing the 2017 follow-up report, Basic Research Needs on Next Generation Electrical Energy Storage

For more on lithium-ion batteries and the Nobel laureates, see Shea's complete article here.

For more information on the Office of Science visit

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