Boost Regulators Provide Wide Input-Voltage Range

Oct. 8, 2008
Reporting up to 33% more output current than comparable devices, the NCP144x series 280 kHz and 560 kHz, current-mode boost regulators accept a wide range of input voltages from 2.7V to 30V. Four regulators in the series each include an integrated

Reporting up to 33% more output current than comparable devices, the NCP144x series 280 kHz and 560 kHz, current-mode boost regulators accept a wide range of input voltages from 2.7V to 30V. Four regulators in the series each include an integrated 4A/40V power switch that eliminates the need for an external FET. Additionally, each device can synchronize to an external frequency source: up to 500 kHz for the NCP1442 and NCP1443 and up to 1 MHz for the NCP1444 and NCP1445. Other shared features include a 12-µA shutdown mode and a comprehensive set of protection features. Available in a surface-mount PowerFLEX package, pricing is $2.14 each/10,000. ON SEMICONDUCTOR, Phoenix, AZ. (602) 244-6600.


Product URL: Click here for more information

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