Designed to power the latest generation of high-current, sub-lV ICs such as network processors and graphic chips, the LTC 1629-6 dc/dc converter, also called a synchronous step-down controller, with a 0.6V reference drives two output stages out of phase at frequencies up to 300 kHz. This approach is said to minimize the requirement for input capacitors. The device's output clock signal allows the use of up to 12, evenly phased controllers for systems requiring 15A to 200A of output load current. It operates from a 4V to 36V input and drives N-channel external MOSFET stages in a phase-lockable, fixed-frequency architecture. Available in a 28-lead SSOP for operation from -40¡C to 85¡C, pricing starts at $5.95 each/1,000. LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORP., Milpitas, CA. (408)432-1900.
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