The SY88343DL is a 3.2-Gbit/s CML Limiting Post Amplifier with high-gain TTL loss-of-signal detection. The device is designed for use in fiber-optic receivers and is well-suited for multi-rate applications where the same post amplifier is optimized to operate over a wide range of data rates (155 Mbits/s to 3.2 Gbits/s) without using an external capacitor or any special compensation, according to Micrel. Applications include APON, BPON, EPON, GEPON, AND GPON; Gigabit Ethernet, 1X and 2X Fibre Channel; Sonet/SDH OC3/12/24/48; STM 1/4/8/16, and high-gain line drivers and line receivers.
In a fiber optic module, the SY88343DL connects to a typical transimpedance amplifier (TIA). The linear signal output from a TIA can contain significant noise and may vary in amplitude over time. The SY88343DL can quantize these signals and output CML-level waveforms to ensure very low noise levels. Signals as small as 5 mV pk-pk can be amplified to drive devices with CML inputs or ac-coupled CML/PECL inputs. The IC operates from a single 3.3-V power supply, over temperatures ranging from -40°C to +85°C. It comes in a 3-mm by 3-mm, 16-pin MLF package.
AVAILABILITYThe SY88343DL is available now in volume production. PRICING
The amplifier costs $2.40 in 1000-piece quantities. FOR MORE INFORMATION