Jadoo Demonstrates The Extended Runtime Of XRT Fuel Cell System

Jan. 7, 2007
The XRT fuel cell system provides an extended runtime option for Jadoo's N-Gen fuel-cell power units.

Jadoo Power will be at Showstoppers during CES on Tuesday at 6:00 PM. They will be demonstrating the XRT fuel cell system, which provides an extended runtime option for Jadoo's line of N-Gen fuel-cell power units. These fuel cells are intended to provide alternative power support for a variety of applications when the grid is either unavailable or unreliable. Potential applications include portable radio and laptop battery recharging, powering law enforcement surveillance installations, and providing backup power for critical communications devices like satellite phones and modems. The XRT provides 100 W, 110 Vac/12Vdc power with over 2200 W-hrs of runtime.

For more information, go to www.jadoopower.com.

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