With two pairs of GaAs MESFET chips that can be connected in either push-pull or balanced configurations, the NED1823P-100 stands ready to serve applications in high-power L-band transmitters. The twin-transistor device is designed for 2.1- to 2.2-GHz base stations, but modifications to the external matching circuit can enable it to be used in 2.3- to 2.4-GHz wireless local-loop and digital audio broadcast applications as well.The device delivers 100W of output power (CW) with linear gain of 11 dB typical and 50% typical drain efficiency at VDS = 10V, IDSS = 6A, f = 2.2 GHz (Class AB operation). Other features include a 0.9-µm tungsten silicide gate structure for high reliability and plated heatsinks.
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