DC-To-DC Converters Offer 3.3V Outputs In Three Versions

March 1, 1999
With a 4:1 input voltage range of 9 to 36 vdc and 36 to 72 vdc, these 3.3V output dc-to-dc converters come in 5W, 10W or 15W versions with dimensions of 1" x 2" x 0.375" and efficiency of 86%. Line and load regulation is ±1% and ripple and noise

With a 4:1 input voltage range of 9 to 36 vdc and 36 to 72 vdc, these 3.3V output dc-to-dc converters come in 5W, 10W or 15W versions with dimensions of 1" x 2" x 0.375" and efficiency of 86%. Line and load regulation is ±1% and ripple and noise is 50 mVpk-pk maximum. Typical applications include data acquisition subsystems, distributed power networks, µP-based systems and portable/mobile instrumentation.


Product URL: Click here for more information

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