The LX1668 power supply IC is claimed as the industry's smallest triple-output, programmable regulator controller. The 20-pin TSSOP's footprint measures just 6.5 x 6.5 mm, with the device intended for powering advanced microprocessors such as the Intel Pentium II, AMD K6, Cyrix M II, and Media GX.Even more cost and space savings result from the chip's need for few external components. Only 25 additional components are required for designers to complete a triple output supply. The device integrates three outputs into one IC: a TTL-programmable synchronous buck regulator with two low-dropout linear regulators. The main switching output is designed to power the CPU itself, while the linear regulators are for clock circuits and GTL+ Bus drive. Built-in circuit protection is included for high-value processor loads. There's also internal overvoltage protection and more.
Company: LINFINITY MICROELECTRONICS INC. - Marketing Communications
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