Accuracy Modulators Are Only 0.4" High

March 1, 2000
The MOD513A series phase-sensitive, modulators measure 1.3" x 1.3" x 0.4" high, creating a volume of 0.7 cu. in. They can accept from ±10 to ±100 vdc and convert dc signals to linearly-proportional ac with a linearity up to ±0.1%.

The MOD513A series phase-sensitive, modulators measure 1.3" x 1.3" x 0.4" high, creating a volume of 0.7 cu. in. They can accept from ±10 to ±100 vdc and convert dc signals to linearly-proportional ac with a linearity up to ±0.1%. Providing an output impedance of 1 ohm maximum, the devices are insensitive to ±10% reference-line changes. Other features include a reference input of 26V at 400 Hz ±5%, and an input impedance of 20 kiloohms minimum. Quantity pricing is less than $295 per device.


Product URL: Click here for more information

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