Designed for linear wireless communication systems, the GHz20060 bipolar transistor is offered as a simplified version of the double-input, matched wider-bandwidth 1920CD60. The device is a 60W, 26V Class AB transistor for use in the 1.8 to 2 GHz frequency range. It provides a minimum power gain of 9 dB and incorporates a gold metalization system and emitter ballasting to extend the mean time to failure. Other specifications include a maximum power dissipation of 250W at 25°C, maximum collector to emitter voltage of 60V, maximum collector to base voltage of 60V, and a maximum emitter to base voltage of 3V. Storage temperature is rated at -65°C to 150°C and operating junction temperature is 200°C. A European version of the device will be available in the summer of 2001, featuring an aluminum nitrite flange.
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