Designed for power-up sequencing in microprocessors, the MIC5248 1.2V regulator provides a power-good output and can deliver up to 150 mA. The device alerts the processor when the output of the regulator has reached and settled on its set value, allowing the processor to come up gradually.The regulator can also alert the processor when a fault condition occurs and the output is out of regulation. Other features include a ceramic output capacitor, low ground current, logic-enable input, current limit and thermal shutdown, and a fast transient time. The device is available in the IttyBitty SOT23-5 package and its junction temperature range is from -40ûC to 125ûC. Price starts at $0.56 each/1,000 with delivery from stock to eight weeks ARO. MICREL SEMICONDUCTOR, INC., San Jose, CA. (408) 944-0800.
Company: MICREL, INC.
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