Protecting low-voltage systems against faults up to 28V, the MAX4978 through MAX4981 overvoltage protectors also provide active current limiting for a second layer of defense. Current-limiting threshold options are 0.9A and 1.95A. Designed to protect the charger input port of portable devices, the devices are particularly suitable for use in cell phones, MP3 players, digital still cameras, and PDAs. Connecting a 1-?F capacitor from Vin to ground enables each device in the series to provide ±15 kV of ESD protection on the input. Available in eight-pin, lead-free 2 mm x 3 mm TDFN packages with an exposed pad, prices start at $1.47 each/1,000. MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODUCTS, Sunnyvale, CA. (800) 998-8800.
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