Watts Aware embarks as an affordable and easy-to-deploy system to remotely monitor and analyze electrical power usage in both industrial and commercial facilities. Inefficient practices are quickly identified and corrected by measuring and sharing real-time power consumption information. Usage patterns for the largest electricity consumers are quickly identified and malfunctioning machines or systems not shut down at the end of a shift become apparent via Watts Aware Dashboard software. The Watts Aware WA-118 is a complete package, installable by plant personnel within an hour. It includes three 200A and three 500A current sensors, a pre-configured netbook computer, the Watts Aware Data Acquisition Unit, a wireless router, all software, and all cables required to make the system operational out-of-the-box. Notably, the system is self-contained, with no subscription fees, programming costs, or additional data-acquisition computers. Available with various sensor configurations, price for a Watts Aware Model WA-118 starts at $3,295. Synergy Inc., Buffalo Grove, IL. (847) 353-8200.